Saint Patrick Parish
Planned Giving offers a way to realize the importance of Saint Patrick Parish in our lives and shows us the financial and estate planning benefits of giving to support the long-term ministry of Saint Patrick Parish.

Fulfilling Stewardship
Receiving God’s gifts gratefully
Tending to them in a responsible manner
Sharing them in love and justice with others
Returning them with increase to the Lord

Meeting Individual Needs
Planned Giving at Saint Patrick Parish is a way to respond to God’s gifts in ways that fit each individual's personal and family situation and needs.

Financial Benefits of Planned Giving
Financially, Planned Giving is very beneficial for donors. By making a planned gift, donors can:
Increase current income
Increase current income tax deductions
Increase estate and gift tax deductions
Bypass capital gains taxes
Conserve estate assets for heirs -- even pass on larger estates